October Writing Prompts- Pinterest List by ZellyKatArt
October 2- Trick or Treat
Dalia sighed when her little sister, Dakota, ran down the stairs in her black witch costume. She checked her phone and texted her best friend, Angel, about how she was stuck taking her little sister out for trick-or-treating. Dalia had skipped out on a costume since she wasn’t getting the candy, only going to Dakota so her parents could go to a work party thing. Dakota jumped off the last stair and cackled at her big sister.
Dalia looked up from her screen and rolled her eyes. She looked back down at her screen. Dakota groaned and grabbed her arm. “Come on, Dalia, you promised.” She crossed her arms. “Do I have to call mom?”
Dalia groaned and closed her phone. “No, you don’t have to call mom, you little brat.” She grabbed her sister by the shoulder and they left the house. While Dalia locked the door, Dakota ran down their driveway, screaming and cackling as she jumped at people who walked past their house. Dalia turned around and groaned. “Dakota, will you stop?”
Dakota laughed and ran to their neighbor’s house while Dalia fell behind as she answered her texts. She waited for Dakota at the end of each driveway, not really paying attention to her little sister. They stopped when they reached an older house at the end of their block. The lights were off except for a purplish haze from one of the windows.
Dalia shook her head. “No way! The lights are off. Let’s head to the next neighborhood behind ours.”
Dakota whined and grabbed her sister’s hand. “No way! The other kids went there and said they give out the good treats there.” She tugged on her hand. “Let’s go see if they have the good treats, please?” Dakota whined until she felt her sister move forward at her tugging. “Yes!”
Dalia sighed and followed her sister up the dark walkway to the front door. Dakota let her hand go and knocked on the door. She waited, shifting her weight back and forth from one foot to the other. Dalia put her phone away and crossed her arms as she waited. No one opened the door after ten minutes, and Dalia looked at her sister.
“Come on, sis,” she gently placed a hand on her shoulder. “We still have more houses to hit up on the other street. No one’s here.”
“Ah man! I wanted something really good this year,” Dakota whined. They turned around and headed back towards the sidewalk when they heard a creak from behind them. The girls turned and saw that the door had opened a crack.
“Someone is here!” Dakota rushed back to the door and knocked on it. “Trick or Treat!”
Dalia walked towards her sister when a hand shot out from behind the door and dragged her little sister inside. Dalia groaned and marched over to the door as it slammed in her face. Dalia slammed her foot into the door, shoving it back open before the person inside could lock her out. Dalia walked inside and looked around to find two burly men on the ground groaning. She turned to see Dakota standing in a corner, staring at the men.
“See! I told you they had the best treats here,” Dakota said, while she clapped.
Dalia kicked one of the legs of the men, who groaned. “Yeah, I guess so.” She sighed. “Hurry up and get them in the bag. I think mom and dad would like some, too.”
Dakota opened her bag and grabbed the first man by the leg. She placed it by the bag and it vacuumed the man inside just as he woke up and screamed. The second man woke up and sat up. He saw what had happened to his friend and screamed. Dalia stepped behind the man, and with a flick, broke his neck. She shook her head and helped Dakota get the body into the bag.
The girls returned home after going to the neighborhood behind theirs, and Dakota peered into her bag. “So much candy!” She grinned at Dalia. “And some extra treats.” She turned her bag over and candy rained onto the floor. The two men fell out of the bag just as their front door opened.
Dalia and Dakota looked at their parents with grins on their faces. Their parents grinned and helped the girls put the candy away. Then they surrounded the bodies, the other man having died in the bag. The family knelt down as their jaws stretched like a snake’s, their jaws popping. They leaned over and gobbled up the bodies, taking their time to enjoy their special treats.
A Hocus Pocus related story with witches eating people 😉.
Hehehe. I didn’t even think of that when I wrote it.